Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology by Edward Klatt and Vinay Kumar

This is very famous book of Klatt Kumar. This book gives a comprehensive overview of pathology. This book include many multiple choice queries along with explained the answers, which gives it comprehensive review. The 8th editions of Abbas, Kumar, Aster Robbins, Fausto and Cotran Pathologic
Basis of Disease (PBD8) and Abbas, Kumar, Fausto, and Mitchell Robbins Basic Pathology (BP8) are the source materials. It is planned to be a beneficial source for pupils at a different levels in the medical. we have involved single top answer questions, furthermost with a clinical vignette, followed by a sequences of similar choices, along with suggested question writing elegance for examinations. . This method stresses manifestations of disease and the understanding of patho-physiologic techniques in a clinical background. The book incorporated related radiologic, physical diagnostic and laboratory findings in the queries to highlight clinicopathologic correlations. In this book every question also has the correct answer, which is present with a detailed explanation. It explains why the given answer is correct. Reference (i.e. page numbers) is also given with each answer to both Robbins Basic Pathology and Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (both 8th & 7th ed.). Reference is given with answer to encourage and facilitate comprehensive reading of concepts targeted for more evaluation. This book have employed color images in numerous of the queries as pathology is a visually oriented discipline. Robbins books are source of the illustrations. Thus pupils could support their learning of the illustrations in the textbooks with queries which use alike pictures. In the eighth editions of the Robbins books new understanding of disease processes is reflected while in this 3rd edition new topics are reflected. The purpose of intentionally writing difficult questions are pushing the envelope of student understanding of pathology. This book also has integrative review section and a complete final examination with queries made from topics taught in the whole book. Integrative review section covers a novel group of clinical pathology queries highlighting laboratory medicine. By learning from this book student can better prepare the student for additional tests. Most queries has 2 step procedure;
  • Interpreting
  • Problem solving

Interpreting of information is done to reach at a diagnosis while problem solving done according to that diagnosis. This book also emphasizes the clinical reasoning skills.  Clinical reasoning skills is required in the distribution of health care. Pre-requisite of this book are Robbins Basic Pathology and Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. All teachers as well as students will discover this book very helpful to the learning of pathology. Other related  Pathology books or Author Vinay Kumar books are...
  • Robbins Basic Pathology 10th edition By KUMAR ABBAS ASTER
  • Pocket Companion to Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease E-Book by  Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster, Richard N. Mitchell
  • Pocket Companion to Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease by Ramzi S. Cotran, Stanley L Robbins, and Vinay Kumar
  • Interactive Case Study Companion to Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease by Herbert Hagler and Vinay Kumar
  • Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease General Pathology, Vol 1 by Abul K. Abbas, Stanley L Robbins, Jon C. Aster, Vinay Kumar
  • Heat Stress Tolerance in Plants: Physiological, Molecular and Genetic by Shabir H Wani and Vinay Kumar
  • Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology by Edward Klatt andVinay Kumar
  • Robbins Essentials of Pathology E-Book by Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster, Vinay Kumar, Andrea T Deyrup, MD PhD
  • Social Psychiatry: Principles & Clinical Perspectives by Rakesh K. Chadda, Siddharth Sarkar, and Vinay Kumar
  • Robbins and Kumar Basic Pathology: First South Asia Edition by Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster, and Vinay Kumar
  • Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease: South Asia Edition by Vinay Kumar
